Sorry I've been incommunicado for a while. We had to post grades for this quarter and had parent teacher conferences, so I was pretty busy! But, I was able to record some of the best parts of my week with my phone, so I thought I'd share!
I made this fall garland out of paper leaves. I bought them from Paper Source, don't you love that place? And, we enjoyed the first fire in our fireplace! We've never had a fireplace before, it's pretty fantastic.
One morning, my windshield was covered in ice. This did not make me smile, until I took a closer look.
The crystals took my breath away! So pretty. 

This next picture is kind of gross, but it's perfect for Halloween!
One of my students scraped her elbow and bled on her homework. I thought it was really funny that she left me a note explaining that it was an accident and apologizing, as if I would think she did it on purpose. Ha!

What things have been making you smile this week?
Grace Rachid
11/1/2011 10:51:55 pm

How funny!

Love your garland. I'm so happy that you have a fireplace! Now I can picture the two of you WARM!


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